Full moon Savannah Pants! Thanks for the beautiful photo...
Full moon Savannah Pants! Thanks for the beautiful photo @alishayoga #buddhapants #fullmoon #harempants shot for @omyogamagazine @luke_ayling
Reverse warrior Monday.
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘ BuddhaPants.com
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘ BuddhaPants.com
What impossible thing would you like to make possible? YAY for...
What impossible thing would you like to make possible? YAY for red Tetris. @shaydoytier | @Hikeandyogaflow | http://bit.ly/REDTETRIS
“Patient, balanced, kind” Sunday Funday!! @stephanieyoga_ | Blue...
“Patient, balanced, kind” Sunday Funday!! @stephanieyoga_ | Blue Kali | @daniellemhoo | Blue Salt Flats | #thebuddhasquad BuddhaPants.com