Felt the inspiration for a heart opener this morning while walking buddy, so I did a pincha hollowback!! The more I open my heart and more vulnerable I let myself become the greater the rewards. As soon as I realized that I was creating my own greatest barriers which prevented me from receiving the gifts of the universe, the sooner I could step out of the way and let the divine present me with amazing opportunities. We think that the Lord isn’t giving us opportunities when the reality is we are creating barriers preventing us from seeing and receiving these blessings️thanks for the shot @hooliganbradley and thanks for the #pinkzags @buddha_pants! #yoga #yogababe #yogapants #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #fitness #strength #sexyyogi #calisthenics #hollowback #pincha #pinchahollowback #harempants #yogawithpets #yogainthestreet #practice #learn #progress #heartopener #heart #learn #grow #letlovein
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